Size bangunan 30 kaki X 40 kaki. 2 Tingkat.
Anggaran Kos RM 180,000.00.
Dibina menerusi sumbangan derma dan jumlah terkumpul setakat ini RM 50,000.00.
Mula di bina : Oktober 2012

Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 261

Perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbukan tujuh bulir; pada tiap-tiap bulir; seratus biji. Allah melipat gandakan (ganjaran) bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Allah Maha Luas (karunianya) lagi Maha mengatahui.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda 
Yang bermaksud: " Tidak akan berkurang harta orang bersedekah". 

Untuk keterangan lanjut sila bolehlah hubungi Ustaz Ishak b Mohtaram 019-7624976.

Untuk sumbangan derma Maybank Cawangan Simpangan Renggam 551191106493 diatas nama bersama Us Ishak bin Mohtaram (Pengerusi) dan En Johari Takim (Bendehari)

Cadangan bangunan - Pandangan hadapan
Pandangan sisi
Pandangan  sisi                                      

Kerja-kerja pile cap dan ground beam                                    

 Kerja-kerja Ground Beam
Pengerusi Madrasah
 Kerja-kerja konkrit lantai bawah

Kerja-kerja konkrit lantai bawah
Tiang ke lantai  tingkat satu
 Lantai tingkat satu sedia untuk di konkrit 

 Kren digunakan untuk kerja konkrit                                                    
Kerja-kerja konkrit lantai 1 sedang dijalankan

Deretan lori konkrit dan kren
Tiang dan dinding Tingkat 1 guna Keadah RP

Pemasangan dinding RP siap dala masa 4 hari
Prop beam dan lantai telah di buka

Kerja-kerja steel roof trust 

Kekuda dan batten telah siap di pasang

Mateldack roof sedia untuk di pasang
 Pandangan hadapan
 Pandangan sesi depan
Pandangan sisi belakang

Bangunan Madrasah telah siap sepenuhnya.

Pending Electrical and cool water  fitting


Nama Pemilik :  En Zufri
Mula : September 2012
Jangka Siap : Apr 2013
Pembiaya : Bank Islam Cawangan Pontian
Keluasan binaan : 2400ka.persegi

 Kerja-kerja piling                                                 
   Ground Beam
    Kerja-kerja menimbus
   Siap sedia untuk kerja-kerja konkrit lantai
Kerja-kerja konkrit sedang berjalan
   kerja-kerja konkrit sedang berjalan
 Porch roof slab
 Dinding batu sedang di pasang
Bumbung telah siap di pasang
Kerja-kerja melepa dinding luar dan dalam 
Persiapan untuk melepa dinding luar
Pemandangan bahagian dapur
 Table Top dapur. Sedia untuk kerja-kerja tile lantai
Dinding sedia untuk di cat
Pagar depan sedang di bina
Dinding luar sedia untuk di cat
Kerja-kerja cat telah siap 
Rumah telah disiapkan 
Rumah telah di serahkan kepada pemilik 14 Apr 2013

Do'a Akademic Sharing Forum

Ya Allah ya rahman ya rohim, kami memohon kepadamu ya alloh..
acaraacademic sharing forum pada pagi hari ini, berjalan dengan lancar, dan termasuk acara yang Engau ridhoi dan bukan yang Engkau murkai.
Ya Alloh ya rahman ya rahim,  lindungilah kami dari fitnah dunia dan fitnah akhirat. bukalah dinding hijab kami yang menutupi kami dengan engkau.
Ya Allah ya rahman ya rahim,  bukalah hati kami dengan hikmahmu, bukalah hati kami akan makrifat-Mu agar kami semakin sujud kepada-Mu.
Do'a Akademic Sharing Forum

Ya Allah ya rahman ya rahim,  ampunilah kami jika rezeki dan ilmu yang telah Engkau berikan kepada kami ini belum bisa kami gunakan untuk beramal. Ya Allah, Ampunilah kami jika kami belum bersyukur atas semua nikmat-Mu ini.
Ya Allah ya rahman ya rahim, ridhoilah semua guru-guru kami, dosen-dosen kami cukupilah semua kebutuhan bliau yang telah mendidik kami dengan penuh keikhlasan.
Ya Allah ya rahman ya rahim,  jauhkan dan hindarkan kami dari maksiat mata, maksiat telinga dan maksiat hati. Jauhkahlah kami dari syirik. Ya Allah jauhkanlah kami dari siksa kubur-Mu. bimbinglah kami agar kami senantiasa berjalan dalam jalan yang lurus, Jalan yang  Engkau ridhoi dan bukan yang Engkau murkai. Ya Allah.
sumber :

reset a blackberry smartphone

reset a BlackBerry smartphone to factory defaults, complete the following steps:

Warning: Back up the data from the BlackBerry smartphone to a computer first.

On a 32-bit Windows XP to Windows 7 operating system (OS), complete the following steps:

Connect the smartphone to the computer.
On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: For Windows Vista and Windows 7, right-click and run as Administrator.)
Type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and press ENTER.
Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press ENTER.

On a 64-bit Windows XP or Windows 7 OS, complete the following steps:

Connect the smartphone to the computer.
On the computer, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. (Note: For Windows Vista and Windows 7, right-click and run as Administrator.)
Type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and press ENTER.
Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press ENTER.
Note: BlackBerry Desktop Software 4.7 to 6.0 must be installed on the computer. The BlackBerry smartphone must be running BlackBerry Device Software 4.3 to 6.0.

On a Mac computer, complete the following steps:

Close the BlackBerry Desktop Software if it is open on the Mac computer.
Open Terminal.
Type cd /Applications/BlackBerry\ Desktop\ and press Enter.
Type ./bbdm resettofactory
Note: In the Mac OS X environment, if the BlackBerry smartphone has a password set, you must specify that password within the command. For example: ./bbdm -password 12345 resettofactory (where 12345 is the BlackBerry smartphone password).

all about cfp dan javaloader

Usage: CFP [-p<port>|-u<port>] [-b<max BPS>] [-w<password>|-np]
[-t<max connect timeout>]
[-c<max command timeout>] <command>
<command> is one of
HELP [<command>]
FILEINFO <filename>
LOAD <filename1> [filename2] [-v]
WIPE [-F|-I]
SAVEFS <filename>
CSAVEFS <filename>
ERASE <range>
READ <range> [-A] <filename>
CREAD <range> [-A] <filename>
WRITE <range> <filename> [<offset>] [-v]
WRITE <start address> <filename> [<offset>] [-v]
HASHBOOTROM [<bootromfile> [<hwvfile>]]
PATRIOT [-o] <subcommand> [<arguments>]
GETLOG [filename]

<range> is one of
<start address>-<end address> (start address < end address)
<start address>,<length> (length > 0)
All addresses, lengths, and offsets are expressed in HEX. Also,
<end address> is the address of the last byte in the range (e.g.
<length> = <end address> - <start address> + 1)

Verbosity Level:
-vd Display nothing at all (output disabled)
-v0 Display nothing other than progress
-v1 Display errors
-v2 Display errors and warnings (default)
-v3 Display procedural steps
-v4 Display protocol commands
-v5 Display everything. Lots of chatter!

Supported serial rates: 1382400, 691200, 460800, 345600, 230400, 153600,
115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400
and 9600.

USB Ports: to use this feature, configuration with USBPortMapper.exe
is required. Please see 'USBPortMapper.exe HELP' for more information.


INFO Usage

·         The INFO command extracts and then displays a wealth of information
about the device.

·         The following command will display all known information about a device:

FILEINFO <filename>

Where: <filename> is a list of one or more space separated filenames

·         The FILEINFO command extracts and then displays a wealth of information
about the specified files.
NOTE: specifying a verbosity level >= 3 will cause extra info to be displayed.

·         The following command will display all known information about pcs1900.bin:
CFP FILEINFO pcs1900.bin

LOAD Usage
LOAD <file1> [file2]
Where: <file1> is a valid OS binary, SFI file, of FS image.

·         The LOAD command loads the specified file(s) onto a device.
If the new OS is larger than the the OS currently on a device, the entire
device will be erased and the contents of the file system will be lost.
If loading a new FS image any old data on the device is lost.
There must be a valid OS on the device.

·         The following command will load the firmware onto a device:
CFP LOAD gsm.bin

WIPE Usage
WIPE [-F|-I]

Where:   -Fspecifies that only the filesystem should be wiped.
                -I specifies that only the installer partition should be removed.
                If no option is specified, both the filesystem and OS are wiped.

·         The WIPE command allows the filesystem
or all the filesystem and OS regions of flash to be irreversibly erased.

·         The following command will wipe all data on device:

This command should be used when initially upgrading to the new loader
to ensure that old (unrecognized) versions of applications are destroyed.

SAVEFS <filename>

·         The SAVEFS command saves the file system data from a device to
the specified file. There must be a valid OS on the device. Since this saves a
plaintext copy of the data, it is only supported on insecure devices. For secure
devices, use the CSAVEFS variant which will save an encrypted file.

·         The following command will save the file system data from a device to the file
CFP SAVEFS filesys.dmp

NUKE Usage

Where: -A specifies that the OS should be erased as well (requires password).

·         The NUKE command erases all of the user's data off the device
including the filesystem and the password. This command is useful if a
password is lost and one would like to make the device usable again at the
expense of lost data.


·         The FRESH command puts the device into freshness seal.
Namely, after sending this command, the battery will be turned off
and a manual reset will be required to turn the device back on.

·         CFP FRESH

ERASE <range>

Where: <range> specifies the flash region to be erased.
Please type CFP alone for the definition of <range>.

·         The ERASE command erases flash sectors on a device.
The INFO will provide all of the address information required to use this
command. Note that address ranges must be sector size aligned.
Please BE CAREFUL! If you don't know exactly what you are doing, use WIPE
This command is not fully functional on secure devices

·         The following command will erase the OS & filesystem (depends on flash size:
CFP ERASE 0x01010000-0x13FFFFF
So will:
CFP ERASE 0x01010000,0x3F0000
READ Usage
READ <range> [-A] <filename>

Where: <range> specifies the flash region to be read.
-A specifies that the data should be appended to file <filename>.
Please type CFP alone for the definition of <range>.

·         The READ command reads data from flash on a device and writes
it to a file. The INFO should provide all of the address
information required to use this command. If not, you shouldn't be using
this command. Since this saves a plaintext copy of the data, it is only
supported on insecure devices. For secure devices, use the CREAD
variant which will save an encrypted file. This command is not fully
functional on secure devices.

·         The following command will read a sector of the filesystem:
CFP READ 0x013F0000-0x013FFFFF dump.bin

Save an encrypted image of memory. See READ for usage details

WRITE <range> <filename> [<offset>]
WRITE <start address> <filename> [<offset>]

Where: <range> specifies the flash region to be erased.
If <start address> is specified, the length of file <filename> will be used.
<offset> specifies the data location offset from the start of file <filename>
Please type CFP alone for the definition of <range>.

·         The WRITE command writes data from a file to flash on a device.
The start address must be the start of a sector and the length must be a
multiple of 4 (for now). Each sector written will first be erased -- this
means that writing to the first byte of a sector will cause the sector to be
empty aside from the first byte.
This command is not fully functional on secure devices

·         The following command will load data.bin, starting at first sector of the
CFP WRITE 0x01010000 data.bin
Assuming that data.bin is 145 bytes in length, so will:
CFP WRITE 0x01010000,0x91 data.bin
And so will:
CFP WRITE 0x01010000-0x0x01010090 data.bin

The following command will load 1024 bytes to flash (address 0x01023424),
starting 200 bytes into data.bin:
CFP WRITE 0x01023424,0x400 data.bin 0xC8

HIS Usage

·         The HIS puts the device into Head in Sand mode. Namely, after sending
this command, the device will reset on a catastrophic error instead of
displaying an error code.

·         CFP HIS


HOS Usage

·         The HOS takes the device out of Head in Sand mode. Namely, after sending
this command, the device will NOT reset on a catastrophic error and will display an error code.

·         CFP HOS

HASHBOOTROM [<filename1> [<filename2>]]

·         The HASHBOOTROM command connects to a device and calculates a SHA-1 hash
signature of the bootrom. Optionally it can hash a specified file.

·         The following command will hash the file using the HWV from the connected device
CFP HASHBOOTROM bootromfile.bin
The following command will hash the file using the specified HWV file
CFP HASHBOOTROM bootromfile.bin hwvfile.hwv

USBMS [-i | -s | -c]

Where:   -i: Returns current USBMS mode
                -s: Enables USBMS mode
                -c: Disables USBMS mode

·         The USBMS command can be used to check or change USB Mass
Storage mode on USBMS-capable devices

·         The following command will return the current USBMS mode
The following command will enable USBMS mode on USBMS-capable devices
The following command will disable USBMS mode on USBMS-capable devices

PATRIOT [-o] <subcommand> [<arguments>]

Where: -o specifies use of old-style Patriot communication (through the OS).
<subcommand> is one of the following Patriot commands:
LOAD [-f] <patriot binary file>
BERBUG <Berbug script file>
ERASE <range>
WRITE <range> <filename>
WRITE <start address> <filename>
READ <range> <filename>
MEMTEST [<string>]

·         The PATRIOT command accesses a set of sub-commands for Patriot
operations. LOAD, ERASE, WRITE and READ behave similarly to
the standard CFP commands.
BERBUG accepts a text file of line-delimited Berbug command/response pairs.
LOCKSTATUS checks the status of Patriot's flash lock state for Baryon devices only.
INFO command reports info on the loaded Patriot binary.
RESETLOG command dumps the Patriot reset log.
MEMTEST command loads the memory test kernel and sends out each character in the string and prints the response.
If the string is not specified then MEMTEST enters interactive mode.

Use CFP HELP PATRIOT <subcommand> for help with specific subcommands.

·         The following command will load a Patriot binary
CFP PATRIOT LOAD patriotbinary.bin

GETLOG [filename]

Where: [filename] specifies that the bugdisp log should be written to file [filename].
If not specified then c:\log.bug is assumed.

·         The GETLOG command reads the bugdisp log for debug RAMImages.

·         The following command will read the bugdisp log to file bug.bug:
CFP GETLOG bug.log

loader cfp :

mengakses satu set sub-perintah untuk system
operasi. seperti inject, erase,write dan READ berperilaku sama
perintah CFP standar layaknya MML ( mfi multiloader )

contohnya membuat command untuk load mfi,,sfi,,erase.dll

tutorial :

simpen CFP.exe di C:\windows\system32 :

command read info :

-read info dari BB : membaca smua address dan isi yang ada di dalam BB
loader -u info
ganti extension file txt Notepad tsb jadi .cmd
hasilnya seperti ini :

membuat command untuk load mfi,,sfi,,erase.dll
siapkan file yang mu di inject ke bb dalam 1 folder lalu buatkan perintah menggunakan notepad sesuai perntah2 diatas, SAVE. Contoh :

loader –u load MFI-13961-25

ganti extension file txt Notepad tsb jadi .cmd
hasilnya seperti ini :

nuked :
mengosongkan OS dan reset password bisa juga menuju jvm error 513 untuk melakukan perintah berikutnya
loader -u nuke
