ASUS Zenfone 5 / 6 Speaker+Lineout Volume Increase Mod+45 Volume Panel Steps- ROOT

Today,I Just Tracked out the Configuration file which is responsible for Volume Control..
and That Lies inside the /system/etc/parameter-framework/Settings/Audio Folder..
Unfortunately, Zenfone 4 users won't get benefit from this Mod...! So Zenfone 4 Users Don't try this
-> Asus Zenfone 5/6 Supported Models - a500cg,a501cg,a502cg,a600cg
-> Proper ADB Setup
-> Rooted Lollipop or Rooted KitKat Firmware - TW/CHT/WW
-> DOWNLOAD THIS FILE - Zenfone 5/6 Sound Mod
->DOWNLOAD THIS FILE - Add More Volume Steps from 15 to 45 for Better Control(Only for Zenfone 5 Lollipop Don't flash for Kitkat)
->DOWNLOAD THIS FILE - Add More Volume Steps from 15 to 45 for Better Control(Only for Zenfone 5 Lollipop Don't flash for Kitkat)
Installation and Un-installation
If You don't have Root..Check the Root Tutorial Posts in this Blog..
Installation is Simple via Installer...
Extract The Downloaded rar file using the Password :
Now Plugin Your Phone to the PC via USB
Find Installer.exe inside the Extracted folder...It is Completely Virus Free..I Guarantee..As You have downloaded from the Internet Your Anti-virus may Give you the Warning to execute.If yes,Just Ignore or Add to Whitelist ..
Run Installer.exe and Give your Model Choice and After that You will have both Install and Uninstall Options..
Press x to Quit and Reboot...!
That's all...Your phone will have the Increased Speaker Volume Output....!
For MORE Volume Steps
Extract More Volume Steps rar File using the Password :
Find Installer.exe and run will flash and it will boot into recovery..There Clear cache and reboot into system...!!
Thank you...
Hit +1 and Share if you like my Post..!
~SatySatsZ B